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Full Stack Development - MERN

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Course Description

MERN stack development is a widely famous full-stack development framework.

MERN Stack is a collection of powerful technologies and robust, used to develop scalable master web applications
comprising backend, front-end, and database components.

It is JavaScript that is used for the faster and easier development of full-stack web applications.
MERN Stack is a technology that is a user-friendly full-stack JavaScript framework for building applications and dynamic websites.

The majority of developers desire to be full-stack developers since they can freely design an end-to-end application and have more and sharper skills than other developers.

• Introduction to Business

• Industries and Business Characteristics

• Approach to learn anything in business

• Horizontal and Verticals in Industries

• Industry to Information

• Understanding Business Process

• High Level View of a Company / Organization

• Seven Cs of Communication

• Tenses

• Redundant Words

• Similar Sounding Words

• Common Grammar Mistakes

• Common Mistakes

• Introduction to html

• Html Building Blocks

• Attributes & Elements

• Tags

• Images and Links

• Tables

• Lists

• Form

• MultiMedia

• Introduction to CSS

• Inline, Internal and External CSS

• CSS Syntax

• Css Selectors

• CSS Properties

• CSS Color

• Css Units

• Css Box Model

• Css Fonts

• Css Flexbox

• Css Media Query

• Introduction to JavaScript

• Client-side vs. Server-side JavaScript

• Placement

• Variables

• Data Types

• Operators

• Conditional Statements

• Loops

• Functions

• Objects

• Strings & Methods

• Array

• Exceptions

• ES6 Concepts

  • Introduction to TypeScript
      • What is TypeScript?
      • Why use TypeScript?
      • Installing TypeScript compiler (tsc)
      • Setting up a TypeScript project
  • Basic Syntax
      • Variables and Data Types
      • Type Annotations
      • Type Inference
      • Functions
      • Interfaces
      • Arrays and Tuples
      • Enums
  • Advanced Types
      • Union Types
      • Intersection Types
      • Type Guards
      • Type Aliases
      • Type Assertion
      • Nullable Types
      • Literal Types
  • Working with Classes and Objects
      • Classes and Constructors
      • Inheritance and Interfaces
      • Access Modifiers
      • Abstract Classes
      • Static Properties and Methods
  • Modules and Namespaces
    • Import and Export Statements
    • Module Resolution
    • Ambient Declarations
  • Generics
    • Introduction to Generics
    • Generic Functions
    • Generic Classes
    • Generic Constraints
  • Asynchronous Programming
    • Promises
    • Async/Await
    • Generators and Async Iteration
    • Error Handling in Async Code
  • Decorators
    • Introduction to Decorators
    • Class Decorators
    • Method Decorators
    • Property Decorators
  • Tooling and Advanced Features
    • Using TypeScript with Babel or Webpack
    • Type Definitions and DefinitelyTyped
    • Advanced TypeScript Compiler Options
  • Best Practices and Patterns
    • Coding Standards and Guidelines
    • Common TypeScript Patterns (Singletons, Factories, etc.)
    • Debugging TypeScript Code
  • TypeScript with Frontend Frameworks
    • Using TypeScript with React, Angular, or Vue.js
    • Typing Libraries and Components
    • Advanced Patterns in Framework-specific TypeScript
  • Building Real-world Applications
    • Project Structure and Organization
    • Integrating Backend Services
    • Handling Form Data and Validation
    • State Management
  • What is React?
  • Why use React?
  • Understanding the Virtual DOM
  • Setting up a React project (Create React App or manual setup)
  • JSX
      • Introduction to JSX
      • JSX expressions
      • JSX attributes and props
      • JSX in-depth: conditional rendering, loops, fragments
  • Components
      • Creating Functional Components
      • Creating Class Components
      • Props and PropTypes
      • State and setState()
  • Lifecycle Methods
      • Understanding Component Lifecycle
      • Mounting, Updating, and Unmounting phases
      • Lifecycle methods: componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, componentWillUnmount
  • Handling Events
      • Event handling in React
      • Common events: onClick, onChange, onSubmit
      • Event handling best practices
  • State Management
    • Local component state vs. global state
    • State lifting
    • Managing state with hooks: useState, useContext, useReducer
  • Lists and Keys
    • Rendering Lists
    • Keys and their importance
    • Dynamic lists and keys best practices
  • Forms in React
    • Controlled components
    • Uncontrolled components
    • Form submission and validation
  • Styling in React
    • CSS Modules
    • Styled-components
    • Inline styling
  • Routing in React
    • Introduction to React Router
    • Setting up routes
    • Route parameters and nested routes
  • Working with APIs
    • Fetching data with Fetch API or Axios
    • Handling asynchronous operations in React
    • Best practices for data fetching
  • State Management Libraries
    • Introduction to Redux or Context API
    • Setting up Redux or Context API
    • Actions, Reducers, and Store
  • React Hooks
    • Introduction to hooks
    • useState, useEffect, useContext, and other built-in hooks
    • Custom hooks
  • Building Real-world Applications
    • Project Structure and Organization
    • Integrating with Backend Services
    • Authentication and Authorization
    • Deploying React applications
  • Testing React Applications
    • Unit testing with Jest and React Testing Library
    • Testing components, events, and asynchronous behavior
    • Snapshot testing
  • Best Practices and Performance Optimization
    • Writing clean and maintainable code
    • Performance optimization techniques
    • Code splitting and lazy loading
  • Introduction to Node.js
    • What is Node.js?
    • Why use Node.js?
    • JavaScript runtime environment
    • Asynchronous, event-driven programming model
  • Setting Up Node.js
    • Installing Node.js and npm
    • Setting up a Node.js project
    • Package.json and npm scripts
  • Core Modules
    • fs (File System)
    • http/https (Creating a simple HTTP server)
    • path (Working with file paths)
    • os (Operating system-related utilities)
  • Working with Modules
    • CommonJS modules
    • Creating and importing modules
    • npm modules and package management
  • Asynchronous Programming in Node.js
    • Callbacks
    • Promises
    • Async/Await
    • Error handling in asynchronous code
  • Working with Express.js
    • Introduction to Express.js
    • Setting up an Express.js server
    • Handling routes and requests
    • Middleware in Express.js
  • Handling Data with Databases
    • Introduction to databases (SQL vs. NoSQL)
    • Connecting to databases in Node.js
    • Executing queries (SQL) or operations (NoSQL) with Node.js
    • Using ORM/ODM libraries like Sequelize or Mongoose
  • Authentication and Authorization
    • Introduction to authentication and authorization
    • Implementing user authentication with Passport.js
    • Handling user sessions and tokens
  • RESTful APIs
    • What is REST?
    • Designing RESTful APIs
    • Implementing CRUD operations with RESTful routes in Express.js
  • Error Handling and Logging
    • Error handling middleware
    • Logging with Winston or similar libraries
    • Handling errors gracefully
  • Security
    • Best practices for securing Node.js applications
    • Handling security vulnerabilities
    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), etc.
  • Testing and Debugging
    • Unit testing with frameworks like Mocha and Chai
    • Integration testing with Supertest
    • Debugging Node.js applications
  • Deployment and DevOps
    • Deployment strategies for Node.js applications
    • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
    • Monitoring and scaling Node.js applications
  • Building Real-world Applications
    • Project Structure and Organization
    • Building a simple CRUD application
    • Integrating frontend and backend (using Node.js as an API)
  • Best Practices and Performance Optimization
    • Writing clean and maintainable code
    • Performance optimization techniques
    • Caching strategies
  • Advanced Topics
    • Websockets and real-time communication
    • Microservices architecture with Node.js
    • GraphQL with Node.js (optional)
  • Introduction to Express.js
    • What is Express.js?
    • Why use Express.js?
    • Overview of Node.js and HTTP fundamentals
    • Setting up a basic Express.js application
  • Routing
    • Understanding routes in Express.js
    • Setting up routes for different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
    • Route parameters and query parameters
    • Route handlers and middleware
  • Middleware
    • What is middleware?
    • Built-in middleware in Express.js
    • Writing custom middleware
    • Error handling middleware
  • Handling Requests and Responses
    • Request and response objects in Express.js
    • Working with request body (parsing JSON, URL-encoded data)
    • Sending responses (JSON, HTML, files)
  • Templates Engines
    • Introduction to template engines (e.g., EJS, Pug)
    • Setting up template engines in Express.js
    • Rendering dynamic content with template engines
  • Working with Forms
    • Handling form submissions in Express.js
    • Form validation and sanitization
    • Uploading files with Multer
  • Database Integration
    • Connecting to databases (e.g., MongoDB, PostgreSQL) in Express.js
    • Executing CRUD operations
    • Using ORMs (e.g., Mongoose, Sequelize) for database operations
  • Sessions and Authentication
    • Introduction to sessions and cookies
    • Implementing user authentication with Passport.js
    • Using middleware for authentication and authorization
  • RESTful APIs
    • Designing RESTful APIs in Express.js
    • Implementing CRUD operations with RESTful routes
    • Handling authentication and authorization in APIs
  • Error Handling
    • Handling errors in Express.js
    • Error middleware and error handling best practices
    • Sending appropriate error responses
  • Security
    • Best practices for securing Express.js applications
    • Preventing common security vulnerabilities (e.g., Cross-Site Scripting, Cross-Site Request Forgery)
    • Helmet.js and other security middleware
  • Testing and Debugging
    • Unit testing with frameworks like Mocha and Chai
    • Integration testing with Supertest
    • Debugging Express.js applications
  • Deployment and DevOps
    • Deployment strategies for Express.js applications
    • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
    • Containerization with Docker
  • Building Real-world Applications
    • Project Structure and Organization
    • Building a full-stack application with Express.js and a frontend framework (e.g., React, Vue.js)
    • Integrating frontend and backend
  • Best Practices and Performance Optimization
    • Writing clean and maintainable code
    • Performance optimization techniques (e.g., caching, gzip compression)
    • Monitoring and profiling Express.js applications
  • Advanced Topics
    • Websockets and real-time communication
    • Microservices architecture with Express.js
    • GraphQL with Express.js (optional)
  • Introduction to MongoDB
    • What is MongoDB?
    • Comparison between SQL and NoSQL databases
    • Advantages and use cases of MongoDB
  • Installation and Setup
    • Installing MongoDB locally
    • Configuring MongoDB server
    • Exploring MongoDB Compass GUI tool
  • Basic CRUD Operations
    • Creating a database and collections
    • Inserting documents
    • Querying documents
    • Updating documents
    • Deleting documents
  • Data Modeling in MongoDB
    • Understanding JSON-like documents
    • Designing schema for MongoDB collections
    • Embedded documents vs. referencing documents
    • Handling relationships in MongoDB
  • Querying and Aggregation
    • Query operators and expressions
    • Projection and filtering
    • Aggregation framework
    • Aggregation pipeline stages
  • Indexes and Performance Optimization
    • Introduction to indexes
    • Types of indexes (Single field, Compound, Text, Geospatial, etc.)
    • Indexing strategies for performance optimization
    • Monitoring and profiling MongoDB performance
  • Data Management
    • Backing up and restoring MongoDB databases
    • Importing and exporting data
    • Handling large datasets and sharding
  • Transactions and Atomicity
    • Introduction to transactions in MongoDB
    • ACID properties
    • Performing multi-document transactions
  • Security
    • Authentication and authorization in MongoDB
    • Role-based access control
    • Security best practices
  • Replication and High Availability
    • Introduction to replication
    • Replica set configuration
    • Failover and recovery
    • Ensuring high availability
  • Scaling and Sharding
    • Understanding sharding
    • Sharding strategies
    • Configuring sharded clusters
    • Horizontal scaling with MongoDB
  • Integration with Programming Languages
    • Using MongoDB with Python
    • Using MongoDB with Java
    • MongoDB drivers and libraries
  • Aggregation Pipeline
    • Understanding the aggregation framework
    • Pipeline stages and operators
    • Aggregation pipeline optimization
  • Real-world Application Development
    • Building applications with MongoDB as the backend
    • Integrating MongoDB with web frameworks (e.g., Flask, Spring Boot)
    • Implementing CRUD operations in a real-world application
  • Best Practices and Common Pitfalls
    • Writing efficient queries
    • Schema design best practices
    • Handling errors and exceptions
  • Advanced Topics
    • Geospatial queries
    • Change streams
    • Time-series data modeling
  • File commands
  • Dir commands
  • Vi editor
  • Linux process
  • Grip and its options
  • Shell scripting & AWK
  • Croon job scheduling

Vishwanath MR

Mentor with 20+ years of experience in the IT industry. He is the senior java mentor who focuses on programming fundamentals for learners in the platform.

Key Highlights

Embark on a journey of professional growth with our holistic approach to skill development. Our dedicated team provides tailored guidance and support, ensuring you're well-equipped for the demands of the job market. Whether you prefer weekday or weekend sessions, our flexible scheduling options cater to your convenience. With hands-on training and industry-recognized certifications, you'll gain the confidence and expertise needed to excel in your chosen field. Join us and unlock your full potential as you take the first steps towards a successful career.

Industry Projects

Booking Application

Leave Management System

Contact List Management system

Hospital Management System

Inventory Management System

Programming Languages & Tools Covered

Full Stack Development - MERN

₹30,000.00 + Taxes

Installment options available*

Data Engineer

Full Stack Development


Microsoft Business Intelligence

Full Stack Development - MERN

Business Analyst

Quality Assurance

Data & Analytics | Data Science & AI

Medical Healthcare BPO (US) | Human Recourses Recruitment

Employee Wellness

Full Stack Development | Mobile App Development

Investment Management (Wealth) | Financial Analysis

Business Administration


Arts and Others


Communication & Self Development

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