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SQL Queries On Pandas DataFrame

SQL Queries On Pandas DataFrame

Writing SQL query for Pandas DataFrame? Yes we can use Pandasql which support you to write SQL query for Pandas Data Frame. If you are very much comfortable with SQL queries than pandas code for filter the DataFrame we can use pandasql.sqldf to run sql type of queries on Dataframe. Install Pandasql Pip install pandasql Syntax psql.sqldf(query, locals()) Run Basic

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Making Every Graduate Employable

As many of you know, we are into educating and empowering job seekers into confident, committed and add value to self, family and employer through the skills they acquired in our mentoring process. We use to transform 100 to 150 individuals in a year from the inception of Aroha. Year 2020 and 2021 changed the way the mentoring world is

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Advantages of Data Visualization tools

In today’s result oriented environment, most companies wants the output in a short duration with lesser cost and quick turn around time. Business Discovery is the term which the visualization tools as the data is viewed in an interactive manner. Display the data in a summarized way and slice and dice the data in a page or across the entire

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Top 10 things you must do as an ETL Developer

Top 10 things you must do as an ETL Developer Every resource who do programming to process data in an Integration environment should follow this top 10 thing to become more productivity. 1. Understand the overall objective of the task. Are you loading data from source to staging OR staging to DW or DW to some other system. In what

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Top 10 ETL Activities in DW Projects

As an ETL developer, its important to see what are the various touch points in the ETL world. You may be working in any one of the touch point in the ETL stream line. In a DW system, most of the time we spend in analyzing the source data and creating ETL jobs to populate your data warehouse. Lets discuss

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Finding Story / 360 in Data sets

A story has five important elements based on many story telling experts. In our data visualization / analytical projects we can link those elements to our real world of business events. characters (Dimensions of your business) the setting (Function of your business) the plot (Events in your business) the conflict (disturbances / problem / cross roads) the resolution (Solution / happy or

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