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Case Studies

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Course Description

Learn the skills required to handle business events, business transactions, social data, and market data sets. You will be empowered to understand and work with RDBMS, NoSQL, and cloud file storage data. You will be processing the data sets based on the application requirement using Python and its libraries. You can build data pipelines in an enterprise to analyze the data, integrate the data, cleanse and handle the exception data with ease. You can be proactive and productive in any company you work for as a Data Engineer.

• Introduction to Business

• Industries and Business Characteristics

• Approach to learn anything in business

• Horizontal and Verticals in Industries

• Industry to Information

• Understanding Business Process

• High Level View of a Company / Organization

• Introduction to RDBMS

• What is Data?

• Databases

• Types of Databases

• Relational DBMS

• Entities and Relationships

• Tables in RDBMS

• Primary Key, Foreign Key,EF Codd’s Rules

• What is a transaction

• ACID property

• Introduction to Python

• Basic Python Syntax

• String Handling

• Operators

• Conditional Statements

• Looping Statements

• Control Statements

• Collections

• Functions

• Modules

• Packages

• File Handling

• OOPS Concepts

• Classes and Objects

• Inheritance and Polymorphism

• Abstract classes and Interfaces

• Exception Handling

• Regular Expression

• Database Connectivity

• Python XML and JSON Parsers

• Introduction to Pandas

• Handling DataFrame

• Merge and Groupby

• Pivot table and Stack Unstack

• Time Series analysis

• Numpy

• Data Visulization

• Introduction to PowerBI

• PowerBI Desktop Interface

• Connecting Power BI to excel

• Charts and thier properties

• Table,matrix properties, Tree Map

• Introduction to DAX,Derived Fields and Date functions

• Introduction to conditional statements

• Slicers and its basic uses properties

• Super aggregations and Scatter plot

• Introduction to rank and Parameter

• Introduction to Power BI Service,Row Level Security

• Time intelligence functions YTD,QTD,MTD

• Date ADD, Same period, Parallel Period

• Introduction to cloud computing

• Overview of an AWS free tier offer

• Creating an AWS account

• Intoduction to EC2 service

• Launching Windows and linux instances

• Connecting to windows and linux instances

• Introduction to S3

• Creating Buckets and uploading object to a Bucket

• S3 bucket policy

• Introduction to RDS

• Launching Oracle Database server

• Connecting to Oracle database

• Introduction to IAM

• Creating users and attaching services to a user

• File commands

• Dir commands

• Vi editor

• Linux process

• Grep and its options

• Shell scripting & awk

• Cron job scheduling

A capstone project is a culminating and often multifaceted project undertaken at the end of an academic program or training, It allows students to apply the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired throughout their studies to solve a real-world problem or address a specific challenge. Capstone projects can vary widely in scope and format, ranging from research papers and presentations to software development, design prototypes, or even community service initiatives. They serve as a practical demonstration of a student’s readiness for graduation or entry into their chosen field.

Rajesh Kumar

Having 25+ years of experience in the IT industry. Empowering jobseekers to become good employees who work effectively at every opportunity.

Key Highlights

Embark on a journey of professional growth with our holistic approach to skill development. Our dedicated team provides tailored guidance and support, ensuring you're well-equipped for the demands of the job market. Whether you prefer weekday or weekend sessions, our flexible scheduling options cater to your convenience. With hands-on training and industry-recognized certifications, you'll gain the confidence and expertise needed to excel in your chosen field. Join us and unlock your full potential as you take the first steps towards a successful career.

Industry Projects

Booking Application

Leave Management System

Contact List Management system

Hospital Management System

Inventory Management System

Programming Languages & Tools Covered

Data Engineering

₹30,000.00 + Taxes

Installment options available*

Data Engineer

Full Stack Development


Microsoft Business Intelligence

Full Stack Development - MERN

Business Analyst

Quality Assurance

Data & Analytics | Data Science & AI

Medical Healthcare BPO (US) | Human Recourses Recruitment

Employee Wellness

Full Stack Development | Mobile App Development

Investment Management (Wealth) | Financial Analysis

Business Administration


Arts and Others


Communication & Self Development

Customized program to select ?

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