When you offer Visualization Analysis?

If you come across any customer who have the following pain points, your value on the visualization will give a better ROI. Feeding a person who is hungry always makes both parties very happy. So, selling visualization to companies which currently don’t have an Dashboards gives us more probability for success and acceptance. If they […]
Principles of Dashboard Design

Every thing we do in the world have some part of design principles. Many companies produce the similar products with a touch of difference in the way its designed. I came across multiple quotes on Design. I found the following two which are relevant for Visualization Design Design is an opportunity to continue telling the […]
Culture in an Enterprise

The culture with in the company plays a very important role to make an employee feel good about the work he / she is doing. Enterprises runs based on mission, vision and values it brings to the eco system we live in. Enterprises must show the big picture to all employees and reiterate the same […]
Data Science Team @ enterprises

Lets see what is the meaning of Science. Its a study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Relate the definition to the data & business world. People who are in DATA area for a long time knows that only raw data cannot solve all the business problems. Its the knowledge you have about your data in […]
Data Layer for Visual Analytics

When companies sell Visual Analysis tools, they use standard excel or csv data (in many cases) to show case the ability of the tool. Once the tool comes into IT infrastructure, team assumes that tool fits in the existing environment with ease. But things go wrong in first few months if existing data is not […]
Ways of calculating ROI from BIDW implementations

Most of us read that, about 75% of implementations don’t give the ROI in BIDW related projects. When I first started to work in BIDW projects, I used to wonder why management / team is not able to prove the ROI. After being in this area for a while, its very evident that why we say 75% of implementations […]
Insight, Visualization and Analytics

I come across people who use Insight, Visualization and Analytics; to mean the same thing. Are they all really one and the same? I wonder how we can differentiate these three things within an Organization, especially for developers and business stake holders. Here is my take on this….. Insight comes when we understand an event in a business and the impact of […]
Can Business Executives develop Dashboards?

Most of the Dashboard software companies tell the businesses that Business executives can develop their own Dashboards or they can un earth the patterns in the data with out any IT help. In less than 5% of scenarios, this may be true. Part of the problem is, not all end users have the skills to understand […]
Implementation of Analytics in Stages

Always we know what best we can do with technology which is a good thing. We can assume and start our journey towards the best. In reality, when we go to customer some of them are not even having the basic infrastructure / platform to start the MIS. In the above scenario, as companies / IT folks […]
Role Based Dashboards

In today’s world, Data has to be represented in a way that a person should glance once and get the essence of the data from his / her perspective and put it for use in their work. With minimum effort, IT companies should provide the Dashboard if the data is already available in either in […]